Support Me
Week 17 - 21 weeks to go
Thursday, 23 June 2011 07:30

Monday 20th June - I now have a heavy head cold, and I've been coughing for 3 weeks.  This is a little tiresome, I'm afraid.  Still working very hard on my knee - more foam roller work and stretching.

Tuesday - An adjustment at the chiropractor, including a tremendous crack in my left foot (cuboid issue from the slip last week, and my presumed cause of re aggravated knee pain).  Then a run - 4x 4 min pieces.  Slow to start, but improved.  Good speed despite head full of muck.

Wednesday - very much work, so no yoga, but a massage - the bruises were remarked on (from foam rollering), but I think I am making headway here.

Thursday - still not well, so I will do my long run in the morning, and hope I am doing better by the weekend for my sprint session.  I feel like there is little point doing a sprint session (5 x 1000m) today when I am coughing and spluttering all over the place.   Just getting to work has been effort enough, but I seem to be doing better than my younger staff members who have all been off in the last few weeks.    I also realised today that with my extra bits and pieces, I am working 5.5 days this week - no wonder I feel run off my feet and am struggling to fit everything in.  It is also my kid week, so trying not to short change them in the process.

Friday - just some stretching

Saturday - Strong core class

Sunday - 60 min run, 3x 1000m sprints.  I was meant to do 5 reps, but with my cold, and the fact I am getting closer to my 10k TT next sunday, and the fact I was running slower than a snail, I figured 3 was a good effort.  A nasty tummy cramp on the way home that had me walking for longer than I usually do on my warm down.  But then off to yoga.  I was in two minds with my sore tummy, but I went, and I was glad.  A good hard session, much puffing (and coughing and nose blowing - stoopid head cold), but very glad I went.  Then I pulled up half a house of carpet in the afternoon.  I think I'll be sore tomorrow.




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Health News

This weeks links

The Cancer Council came out this week and announced that there is no safe level of alcohol consumption, and that alcohol should be considered to be as carcinogenic as smoking and asbestos are.  As well as being highly associated with throat and mouth cancers, it is now found to correlate highly with breast and bowel cancers.  Perhaps it should not be so surprising that a substance that can so alter mood and ability, even at very mild levels should turn out to be in fact, not good for us.

This story, an editorial from the British Journal of Sports Medicine earlier this year has some amazing targets - it ties in with our look at sitting and health, and is about developing healthcare systems that support exercise - recognise it as being as vital a measure of our health as is blood sugar levels or blood pressure.  It recommends 150 minutes of physical activity per week for adults as a minimum.  30 mins on 5 days.  For children, it is 420 mins / week - 60 minutes every day.  How close are you?

This is another article on inactivity / obesity and health from Sports Medicine Australia, highlighting the link between an inactive childhood and a lifetime of battling depression.  It is food for thought (!) these days where there seems to be much paranoia about safety of children away from their parents watchful eyes, and therefore a tendency to want to keep them closely under watch instead of encouraging more activity and indeed risk taking behaviours.  The ability to judge situations for risk and to be able to take appropriate risks builds self esteem and resilience.  Not much to do with bowel cancer awareness, but close to my heart as well.

Another article on sitting

This one is in really simple terms - if you walk 30 mins (as recommended) and sleep 8 hours, most of us still have 15.5 hours per day not moving.  You cannot sit all day behind a screen, then drive your car and sit and watch tv with out it being bad for you.  A good read.